Created by Japanese superstar, YOSHIKI, this documentary was shot in 5 locations around the world, including Los Angeles, New York, London, Tokyo and Berlin. I was fortunate to be asked to direct the Los Angeles shoot on top of the Hollywood Roosevelt under the stars.
Talent that evening included Yoshiki, Nicole Scherziner (Pussycat Dolls) and violinist Lindsay Sterling.
This film just had its premiere at Mann's Chinese theater in Hollywood, during which Yoshiki was honored by being the first Japanese artist to be invited to add his handprints and footprints at the venue.
This film will be released worldwide in March, 2024.
Client: Yoshiki / Magnolia Pictures Production Company: Abramorama Date: March 2024 Responsibilities: Los Angeles Unit Film Director Talent: Yoshiki, The Chainsmokers, Nicole Scherzinger, Lindsay Sterling, Sarah Brightman